Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The End of Lent

This week I was talking about how we kept lent when I was young.  I remember we were told that lent was officially over at noon on Saturday.  I can remember that whatever we gave up or did for lent at our home was carried on until Easter day after Mass.  Could you tell me if Easter was over at noon and why would that have been?  This was in the 1940's.
Thanks and God bless,
Lent used to end at noon on Holy Saturday. With Pius XII's restoration of Holy Week Services and the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, Lent now ends with Mass on Holy Thursday. The sacred Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday is its own unique time. However, Easter does not begin until the conclusion of the Easter Vigil. Fast and abstinence still applies to Good Friday even though it is not technically Lent. It is good to maintain the practice of fast and abstinence through Holy Saturday if at all possible.
Fr. Pisut
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