Friday, April 16, 2010

Memorandum Office of Bishop Richard E. Pates

To: Priests and Deacons of the Diocese of Des Moines

From: Bishop Richard E. Pates

Date: April 14, 2010

Re: Recent Publicity Regarding Sexual Abuse

There has been a continuing spate of publicity regarding sexual abuse as it relates to the Church and Pope Benedict XVI. On several occasions – at gatherings of the faithful, on the radio program “In the Heartland with Bishop Pates,” in the news release “Bishop Pates offers resources on abuse crisis” of April 2, 2010, I have addressed the topic. In relating these matters, the basic points are these:

1) Sexual abuse of minors can never be condoned and we have come to know the enormously harmful effect it can have on victims. As Church, we are committed to their rehabilitation and recovery.

2) Unfortunately, the exact nature and pernicious effects of pedophilia were not known some 30 to 40 years ago as they are today. Bishops, priests, psychologists/psychiatrists, police, judges, etc responded much differently than is the case today.

3) The Church in the United States has responded to the very harmful reality of sexual abuse by adopting the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Implementation of this charter now situates the Church in the forefront of combating abuse through “Safe Environment Programs.” “Background checks,” “one strike and you’re out,” etc. While child sexual abuse has diminished dramatically in the church it remains a widespread societal concern. We encourage all organizations and educational entities to join with the Church in adopting similar programs.

4) There has been no more prominent religious and world leader than Benedict XVI in leading the effort to eradicate this scourge especially in the Church. Before becoming Pope he assisted the Catholic Church in the United States in implementing its reforms. As Pope he has condemned abuse and taken definitive steps in the Church in confronting these questions as is evidenced by his actions in addressing the recent problems in Ireland.

5) I am grateful to the priests, deacons and others in our communities who are taking the time to explain to their people a media campaign that conflates history and has been irresponsible in too many instances with inaccurate reporting and making scant or no reference to context. I thank also Monsignor Bognanno for his research and communication on these matters.

6) Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus in a March 31, 2010 letter informed the Bishops of a Knights of Columbus initiative of encouraging the Knights of Columbus members and all Catholics to join in a novena “for Pope Benedict XVI to manifest our prayerful solidarity with the Holy Father at this time of unprecedented challenge.”

I endorse this novena. I am enclosing an attachment which has the novena prayers on it. The Knights of Columbus would also be happy to provide prayer cards containing the novena. If you wish a supply for your parish you can send a facsimile to 203-752-4118 requesting the same.

We are grateful for this initiative of the Knights of Columbus.

Information on the novena was presented in a previous post along with a link to the prayer cards.  Click here if you are interested:  Novena for the Holy Father
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