Friday, April 9, 2010


The Women of Sacred Heart met Thursday, March 18, 2010 at the Parish Center.  There were 10 members present.

The March meeting was called to order by President Jaynane Hardie at 6:35 pm.  Barb Kauffman passed out a written prayer, all joined in reading it.  It was decided this prayer would be used at each meeting to pray for our members & their families.  Also for the men and women of Sacred Heart Parish in whatever they need.

Our guest speaker was Mary Grismore, RN, BSN, the head of Lucas County Public Health, located across the street from the Post Office.  She gave a very interesting talk about what services the Public Health had to offer.  Just to name a few, they provide Skilled Care, Home Care Services, Homemaker Service, New Mom & Baby visits.  They also hold Blood Pressure Clinics; go to the elementary schools with Happy Bear to teach Good touch/Bad touch. They gave shots for whooping cough, H1N1 and flu.  They make sure all school children have up to date immunization records. They have the Lead Program, where they go into the home and check for lead levels.  Another important program is the Drug Assistance.  They can help people get the drugs they need at reduced, affordable costs.  Lucas County Health only has 11 employees, you can tell by the list of services they are all kept busy.  We are very fortunate to have them in our County.

Connie Hoch gave the “Saint” presentation.  She passed out a note card with the section, Father says during the Mass, listing many of the Saints.  Tonight she chose Pope St. Linus.  He was the successor of Saint Peter so he was the 2nd Pope of the Catholic Church.  His feast day is September 23rd.  Over time she plans to cover all of the Saints listed.

The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer reported our balance as $2,347.53.  43 members have paid dues to date.

Jaynane will write up a summary of WOSH activities in 2009 to be handed out to the ladies of the Parish to encourage membership and attendance.

Old Business:
It was reported Manor Mass was held on the first Wednesday, March 3rd.  The 5 residents attended along with several from the Parish.

Sandy Schmitt reported giving the card and Hy-Vee gift card to Linda Greiner who in turn gave it to the Rodamaker family.

Jaynane attempted to talk to Clark Fielding about the funeral dinner charge.  He was not available.  She will try again.

Max Willadson reported there wasn’t a large enough place available at the Manor for us to have a potluck for Rosemary Evans and the other Parish members there.  She suggested an alternative plan, to attend the Style Show at the Freight House on Saturday April 17th at 1pm.  It was discussed about taking Rosemary Evans, Mary Cusumano and Helen Miskimin as guests.  Connie Hoch made a motion that we pay for the tickets for the guests we invite.  Sandy Schmitt seconded it. The motion passed.  Max has advanced tickets at $10.00 each.

New Business:

We need a second stove in the Parish Center kitchen. Ron Altenhofen checked and one would fit right next to the one we have.  There is already a hook up.  In the follow up discussion it was decided we would look for one similar to what we have. Sandy Schmitt made the motion to buy a new stove and pay to have it installed, Carol Marner seconded the motion.  The motion passed.  Jaynane will talk to Father.

Our spring rummage sale:  Articles may be brought to the Church basement in late April.  Begin set up in May, with sorting M-W-F mornings at 9 am.  The sale will be Thursday 6/3 from 2-7pm, Friday 6/4 from 8-4 and Saturday 6/5 the sack sale from 8-11am.  Clean up will be the following Monday.  If you know any organization needing clothing let Jaynane know, we will gladly give to them before packing up and hauling to Good Will.

Evelyn Pollard purchase 6 baskets, 3 for silverware at functions like the Fish Fries and 3 for rolls, chips and etc.  Max Willadson made a motion and Sandy Schmitt seconded it to reimburse Evelyn for the baskets.  Motion carried.

Secretary Barb Kauffman will be sending thinking of you, get well and other cards to members of the Parish. It was agreed for her to buy and send cards as seen fit.  Treasurer Evelyn Pollard will purchase stamps for mailing the cards.

Out Reach Program:  

Surgeries:  Two women of the Parish need surgery.  Connie Hoch will contact the families as to what WOSH can do to help.

One member is unable to attend Mass, do to stairs, and dislike of elevators.  It was suggested we contact her about attending the Manor Mass.  Connie Hoch will check with her.

Helen Miskimin: A card was send around and signed for her Birthday 3/29.  Barb will mail.
Barb Moody’s father James Paulding, passed away.

Family with serious illness:  A motion was made by Sandy Schmitt, seconded by Michelle McKernan to send 100.00 for the family at their home address.  Motion passed.

Connie Hoch brought it to our attention, there is a new baby in the Parish.  Do we want to do a baby shower or give them one of the books donated for that purpose?  It was decided we would go with giving new babies of the parish the book.  Max Willadson donated them to the Out Reach Committee.  She passed, one of the books, around for us to see.  It is very nice. It has a place for photos and notations and in the back expandable slots for filing mementoes. 

Up coming Events:
KC Fish Fry – 2 left
The Parish Spring Dinner is to be held 4/10/10 at the Parish Center.  A nice, fancy, evening is planned for 30.00 per person.  Reservations are needed. What are the funds to go for?  No one knew for sure. 

The next meeting will be Thursday April 15th.  Jaynane Hardie and Evelyn Pollard will furnish refreshments.  Thanks to Alice Herring and Barb Kauffman for the refreshments this evening.

Sandy Schmitt made a motion and Carol Marner seconded it to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm.  We closed with a Hail Mary.

Respectfully submitted,
Barb Kauffman, Secretary