Friday, September 23, 2011
The Tour of the Church Continued...
Station III Jesus Falls the First Time
This incident is not recorded in the Bible, but it is reasonable to believe that Jesus--who had been beaten, severely scourged, crowned with thorns, and had lost a lot of blood--might have fallen not once but many times on His journey to Calvary.
Station IV Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother
Again, this meeting is not recorded in scripture, but can we imagine Jesus’ Blessed Mother not being there to offer Him her love and support? Remember when, years earlier, Mary and Joseph had taken the infant Jesus to the Temple to be presented to the Lord and there met and old man named Simeon? Simeon prophesied that “a sword” would pierce Mary’s soul. (Luke 2:35) Surely she now understood Simeon’s prophecy as she saw her beloved Son go through this terrible torment. Notice how our depiction of this moment shows Mary’s heartbreak. She is so distraught that she can barely stand.