Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Women of Sacred Heart will meet this Thursday, May 16 at 6:30 p.m.


WOSH meet on Thursday, April 25, 2013.  The regularly scheduled meeting for April 18th was cancelled due to heavy rains and flooding.  There were 8 members present.

The meeting was called to order by Pres., Jaynane Hardie.  The meeting was opened with a prayer by Barb.

Pat Thompson, teacher of RCIA at Sacred Heart, gave the program on the RCIA.  She stated, although she was raised in the Catholic Church and attended Catholic schools all of her life, she has learned so much more about our faith since teaching RCIA.  She told us that many of the RCIA participants have had no religious background.  Pat is having classes on “Just the Basics” for anyone interested in reviewing their faith

The minutes of the last meeting were read.  A motion was made by Gloria, 2nd by Alice that the minutes be approved as read. Motion carried.

Treasurer, Sandy Schmitt, reported a balance of $1,592.42 on Feb. 28.  She deposited $115 on March 9th from dues of $15 and $100 from funeral dinner.  She wrote checks on March 22 for $360 for CELEBRATE and also a check for $360 for Totus Tuus.  This leaves a balance of $987.42 which includes $500 in the Family Fund.  She was presented a bill for $69.91 for cards and stamps for $54.  Sandy asked if she could write a check for $44 and give cash of $10 for stamps.  Alice made a motion to approve the bills and payment with a 2nd by Gloria.  Motion carried.

Pat read several correspondences.  Gloria reported that Manor Mass has been cancelled for 2 weeks. 

Sandy reported that at the Inter Church Council meeting there is a real need for a director for the Share Program as Linda Baynes wants to retire.  The pick up for the Share Program is the last Saturday of each month.  This person is responsible for getting the orders from Southgate, Autumn Park, Williamson, Russell, and Lucas. 

Pat reported that the parish received $250,000 in the Capital Campaign.  Sacred Heart will get ½ of what comes in each quarter.  This must be used for debt reduction, endowment or capital projects.

Jaynane asked if WOSH would be interested in having a Mass said for any women of our parish that has passed away during the year.  Gloria made a motion to have a Mass for this, 2nd by Barb.  Motion carried. Masses will be said for Rosemary Evans and Theresa Patterson who passed away since January 1st.

Gloria reported quite a few people showed up for cleaning the Church.  Thanks to all who helped.  Kitchen cleaning will be done this summer.

Gloria reported that there were 95 people in attendance for the Confirmation dinner.  She said it was very nice.  Thank you to all who donated food or helped serve.

Graduation is May 19th.  We have 14 seniors graduating.  Gloria, Evelyn, Pat and Sandy will serve.  Evelyn asked if WOSH would purchase the cake for Graduation.  Gloria made a motion that we purchase the cake with a 2nd from Barb.  Motion carried. Sandy will order and pay for the cake.

WOSH will sort items for the rummage sale every M, W & F at 9 am.  The sale will be Thurs, Fri., and Sat., May 30, 31 and June 1.

Corpus Christi Sunday is June 2nd.  Kathy Willets is making the canopy.

Thank you Sandy and Diane for serving.  Next months servers will be Jaynane and Evelyn.

Our next meeting will be May 16th.  We will have a June meeting but no meeting in July.

Barb made a motion to adjourn with a 2nd by Gloria.  Motion carried.

The meeting closed with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Beatty, Secretary.