Monday, July 12, 2010

Women of Sacred Heart Reminder

There will not be a meeting of the Women of Sacred Heart in the month of July. We do not meet during the months of July and December.  I apologize for not getting this in the bulletin. But we do have several things going on you should know about. 
The second stove is here.  Special thanks to Gloria and Ken for getting it picked up in Indianola.  I have contacted Ron Altenhofen about getting it installed as soon as he can get to it or before the Fall Festival!
The Fall Festival rummage sale will be held September 16, 17, & 18.  Same hours as the spring one.  We will start about the middle of August sorting on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at 9 A.M.  We need all the help we can get because this is a very BIG task for a few people to do.   
Please take note that we want fall and winter clothing only (no summer items) that are CLEAN and with out holes, stains, or pet hairs.  Also, we WILL NOT be taking electronic items such as computers, monitors or old TV's.  We have to take them to the land fill in Marion County and pay to dispose of them when they do not sell.....$10 per item .  This eats into our profit plus is time, energy and gas for the person making the trip. (You can personally dispose of them each May during the city clean-up day.)  If you have Christmas items this is the sale to bring them to also.
If you must bring a printer you must bring instruction booklet, the disc to install and any it's age.  It is not enough to write on a paper that it "works good" when it can't be installed.
We do appreciate the vast amount of good items that are donated each year and have seen the total sales raise from $500 to almost $2000 at some sales.  Shoppers thank us every sale for keeping the prices low so we know that Sacred Heart is providing a service to the community.
Jaynane Hardie
President, Women of Sacred Heart
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