Thursday, August 19, 2010

Recommended Reading

This article was recommended by Father Pisut.

And Now For Something Completely Ecumenical

I was recently alerted to a post on the Catholic-minded Anglican weblog One Timothy Fourabout a handsome new Greek Orthodox church going up the Kenton neighborhood of northwest London. (If that sentence doesn't make for an example of how a love of tradition can bring about its own sort of ecumenism, I don't know what is.) St. Pantaleimon's looks like a promising new addition to the constellation of new traditionally-designed Orthodox churches that have quietly sprung up across much of America, and, it would seem, Europe, without a lot of fanfare from the classical architecture community. The church is being built by Papa Architects, with interiors by Ibex.

It amazes me how the Orthodox Church (and also Eastern Catholics) have managed, even in quite financially tight times and in humble parishes, to manifest their faith in bricks and mortar; even humble streetfront churches or those converted from Protestant preaching halls still manage to acquire a coating of iconographic murals on the inside, presumably at great expense to the little groups of believers who assemble there. Roman Catholics these days, I'm told, are the wealthiest churchgoers in the United States; and yet, it is often our Eastern brethren that play the widow with her mite to our own luxurious comfort.

For contiued reading click here:  The New Liturgical Movement

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